
Simple field guide : subgenus of Nymphaea

Simple field guide : subgenus of Nymphaea


1. Nymphaea subgenus Anecphya 澳洲睡蓮亞屬

Mature leaf shape (成熟葉葉形): Orbicular (圓形), Ovate (卵形)

Mature leaf edge (成熟葉葉緣): Dentate (齒牙緣), Spiny (帶刺齒牙緣)

Blossom time (開花時間): All species bloom at day (所有種類日間開花)

Modified stem (特化莖): Pineapple-shaped tuber (鳳梨形塊莖), Indeterminate form tuber (不定形塊莖)

Types of reproduction (繁殖方法): Seed (種子), Tuber bud (塊莖芽)

2. Nymphaea subgenus Brachyceras 廣熱帶睡蓮亞屬

Mature leaf shape (成熟葉葉形): Orbicular (圓形), Ovate (卵形)

Mature leaf edge (成熟葉葉緣): Dentate (齒牙緣), Entire (全緣), Sinuate (波狀緣)

Blossom time (開花時間): All species bloom at day (所有種類日間開花)

Modified stem (特化莖): Ball-shaped tuber (球形塊莖)

Types of reproduction (繁殖方法): Seed (種子), Leaf viviparous bud (Nymphaea micrantha(葉片胎生芽)

3. Nymphaea subgenus Confluentes 小澳洲睡蓮亞屬

Mature leaf shape (成熟葉葉形): Hastate (戟形), Ovate (卵形), Sagittate (箭形)

Mature leaf edge (成熟葉葉緣): Dentate (齒牙緣), 
Entire (全緣), Spiny (帶刺齒牙緣)

Blossom time (開花時間): All species bloom at day (所有種類日間開花)

Modified stem (特化莖): Pineapple-shaped tuber (鳳梨形塊莖), Indeterminate form tuber (不定形塊莖)

Types of reproduction (繁殖方法): Seed (種子), Tuber bud (塊莖芽)

3. Nymphaea subgenus Hydrocallis 新熱帶睡蓮亞屬

Mature leaf shape (成熟葉葉形): Ovate (卵形), 
Sagittate (箭形), Cordate (心形)

Mature leaf edge (成熟葉葉緣): 
Dentate (Nymphaea rudgeana) (齒牙緣), Entire (全緣)

Blossom time (開花時間): All species bloom at night (所有種類夜間開花)

Modified stem (特化莖): Ball-shaped tuber (球形塊莖)

Types of reproduction (繁殖方法): Seed (種子), Stolon adventitious bud (匍匐莖不定芽), 
Flower viviparous bud (Nymphaea lasiophylla and Nymphaea prolifera(花朵胎生芽)

4. Nymphaea subgenus Lotos 古熱帶睡蓮亞屬

Mature leaf shape (成熟葉葉形): Orbicular (圓形), Ovate (卵形)

Mature leaf edge (成熟葉葉緣): Dentate (齒牙緣)

Blossom time (開花時間): All species bloom at night (所有種類夜間開花)

Modified stem (特化莖): Ball-shaped tuber (球形塊莖)

Types of reproduction (繁殖方法): Seed (種子),
 Stolon adventitious bud (匍匐莖不定芽)

5. Nymphaea subgenus Nymphaea 睡蓮亞屬

Mature leaf shape (成熟葉葉形): Orbicular (圓形), Cordate (心形)

Mature leaf edge (成熟葉葉緣): Entire (全緣)

Blossom time (開花時間): All species bloom at day (所有種類日間開花)

Modified stem (特化莖): Rhizome (根莖), Finger-shaped tuber (except section Eucastalia) (指形塊莖), Stolon (section Xanthantha) (走莖)

Types of reproduction (繁殖方法): Seed (種子), Rhizome bud (根莖芽), Stolon bud (走莖芽)

by Cyathea 
(Cheng, Chung-Liang)

